Digital Marketing Software Development

Digital Marketing Software Development

Get Digital Marketing Software Development

Personalized Digital Marketing Software To Boost Revenue

Businesses currently cannot do without custom digital marketing software development if they want to thrive in their sphere. We provide both ready-made solutions as well as platforms optimized to incorporate relevant enterprise integrations. Our experts have considerable experience creating robust solutions that draw insights from client and historical data so as to generate campaigns that draw in a substantial number of leads and drive-up your brand and revenue.

  • Marketing Automation Solutions

    Marketing Automation Systems

    With comprehensive AI, business intelligence and machine learning knowledge, our developers craft goal-driven marketing automation solutions. Our developers create a unified platform for marketing materials as well as tools for streamlining workflows, generating routine reports, & so on.

  • Integrated Marketing Attribution

    Integrated Marketing Attribution

    Through automation our experts extract data from social media, advertising networks, email campaigns, CRM and other portals. After the data is consolidated data analysts create custom-written algorithms to estimate success and limitations. Our digital marketing software development solutions are equipped with fractional & algorithmic models alongside single-touch and multiple-touch marketing attribution models. We also take advantage of machine learning tech to put forward campaign predictions.

  • Intelligent Web Marketing

    Intelligent Web Marketing

    As part of our digital marketing software development services, we design customized integrations for landing page & web page builders, in terms of drag & drop tools, metadata forms, automated web analytics solutions, SEO tools and more. These integrations allow businesses to climb higher on the SERPs. They are used either as separate integrations or as a part of a complete Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS).

  • Customer-focused Analytics

    Client-Focused Analytics

    Our developers can design APIs to integrate with your existing enterprise apps & consolidate any siloed data your business generates. Through digital marketing software development our team can offer you an overall view in terms of your marketing campaigns to review and check if they have resulted in revenue or returns. We create centralized dashboards, A/B testing tools as well as KPI visualizations utilizing ‘what-if’ analysis integrations to put forward a 360-degree view of marketing success criteria.

  • Dynamic Email Marketing

    Dynamic Email Marketing

    Owing to our sophisticated email marketing solutions users will be able to leverage appealing and interactive business emails that use CSS, HTML, optimized visual editing modules among other tools. Tools like these are equipped with multiple different in-built integrations including segmented contact lists, automatic response planners, planning integrations for drip marketing, automated opt-in/opt-out reactions, modules for creating inquiry forms and other engaging features.

  • Social Media Marketing

    Social Media Marketing

    Our digital marketing developers create and deploy SMM apps under our digital marketing software development services. The services we offer boosts employee collaboration and leads to the creation of effective social campaigns. We engineer different modules such as monitoring brand mentions, facilitating user engagement analysis, mining relevant data, automating suitable responses, scheduling posts at ideal times. By creating social media-based APIs of top channels like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, our experts are experienced at developing streamlined interfaces to link the platforms we create to their platforms.

  • Lead Management Software

    Lead Management Software

    Under digital marketing software development we offer either individual software or CRM integrations connected with third-party modules. This enables you to create, collect, and promote leads taking into account several touchpoints. With our lead management systems you can streamline the relationship among a lead’s buying histories, communications and online behavior. Outreach strategies can be easily created and planned within the app, employing relevant integrated tools.

  • Target-driven Content Marketing

    Targeted Content Marketing

    You can take advantage of our digital marketing software development that leads to friction-free collaboration spanning content creation to publishing. This takes into account entirely optimized content for instance, videos, infographics, textual materials etc. Content teams can leverage our workflow management integrations according to their requirements, enabling automation when it comes to planning, creation and supervision, publishing, marketing, SEO and the resultant content analysis. The experts at Ivan Infotech are proficient with geo-fencing technologies including automated location-based SMSs and push notifications.

  • Chatbot Development and Virtual Agents

    Chatbot Development and Virtual Agents

    With the help of our digital marketing software development, several businesses have derived the capacity to monitor the customer touchpoints and provide real-time conversion insights in relation to your marketing strategies. We harness NLP as a representation of human conversation by means of IVR. This is made possible with the help of voice bot development or "live" chatbot development enabled by customized messaging apps. You gain ML-powered systems that are configured with customer services functionalities. This allows IVR prompt systems, chatbots, and virtual agents as well to receive a 360-degree advantage of the exceptionally sophisticated innovations accessible for digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Software Solutions We Create

  • Business Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Business Intelligence

  • Cloud Development

    Cloud Development

  • CMS Solutions

    CMS Solutions

  • CRM Solutions

    Digital Asset Tracking

  • Digital Asset Tracking

    Database Services

  • Database Services

    Sales Management

  • Franchise Management

    CRM Solutions

  • Document Management

    Franchise Management

  • Mobile Development

    Mobile Development

  • Web Development

    Document Management

  • Sales Management

    Web Development

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