Competition Details

  • Competition alert! Do you own a startup or a small business? Then here's an irresistible chance for you to WIN a digital home for your business!
  • You read that right, we mean a brand NEW mobile-friendly WEBSITE for your business, worth up to £3000! There’s a LOT MORE prizes to be won, as we’re celebrating the launch of our Ivan Infotech UK site.
  • We will promote your fresh new website as a case study, giving you much-needed marketing support.

To participate, you just need to:

  1. Like our Facebook Page
  2. Tag a friend in the comments of our Competition Post
  3. Fill out the competition entry form

Enter here (wishing you luck!):

Enter a few details to WIN our competition

  • 1 Competition alert! Do you own a startup or a small business?
  • 2 Post a comment on our FB page & tag other businesses you know who are looking out for digital marketing support
  • 3 Fill up this form with a short description of the look & feel of your ideal website and why we should choose you as the winner.

Once we have shortlisted 20 entries, we will randomly choose one as the WINNER on 27th December.

About Us

Ivan Infotech UK was launched in 2021 by John Rownan and Abhishek Mullick (who is also CEO of Ivan Infotech PvT in India). Although a standalone company and fully regulated by UK law, Ivan Infotech UK has extensive resources and support through the close partnership with Ivan Infotech PvT, which has been growing globally since 2016 establishing official representation in over 10 countries and supporting hundreds of happy clients on 5 continents. Our mission is to help businesses innovate digital systems using the latest technology on the market.





Looking To Build a Sophisticated Website?

Every business needs an optimized and attractive website to draw more customers and drum-up
continual business. Showcase your digital presence- go online.

Our World-Class Expertise

As a professional website designing company, our proficiency lies in crafting simple yet responsive, user-friendly and revenue-generating websites.

Choose us for

  • Exquisite web designs that attract more customers
  • Start-of-the-art technology implementation
  • 100% mobile responsive design
  • SEO-friendly
  • Intuitive UI/UX designs
  • Premium support and maintenance

Need an App, SEO, ERP or any other IT development?

Give your business a popular online address.

With an attractive website your business can grab more eyeballs, get more clients & boost more sales.

Enhance your business possibilities and embrace continuous growth.